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Корпорация Росполитехсофт

Corporation RosPoliTechSoft

3D modeling, information courses and simulators for corporate training. Development of IT platforms.

+7 (921) 904-38-16
+7 (812) 643-60-15
+7 (812) 643-60-16

8 Apraksin per.,lit A, 306 office

ООО “РПТС”, ИНН / КПП 7840088229 / 784001001
Personal Data Processing Policy

Corporation RosPoliTechSoft

3D modeling, information courses and simulators for corporate training. Development of IT platforms.

+7 (921) 904-38-16
+7 (812) 643-60-15
+7 (812) 643-60-16

8 Apraksin per.,lit A, 306 office

ООО “РПТС”, ИНН / КПП 7840088229 / 784001001
Personal Data Processing Policy

Corporation RosPoliTechSoft

3D моделирование, информационные курсы и тренажеры для корпоративного обучения, разработка ИТ платформ.

Corporation RosPoliTechSoft

3D modeling, information courses and simulators for corporate training. Development of IT platforms.

+7 (921) 904-38-16
+7 (812) 643-60-15
+7 (812) 643-60-16

Saint-Petersburg, 8 Apraksin per.,lit A, 306 office

Corporation RosPoliTechSoft

3D моделирование, информационные курсы и тренажеры для корпоративного обучения, разработка ИТ платформ.

+7 (921) 904-38-16
+7 (812) 643-60-15
+7 (812) 643-60-16

Апраксин пер. д.8 лит А, БЦ "АЛВА", офис 307


Why it is more profitable for companies to have their own development with software rights than to rent a cloud platform

For many companies, the decision to develop their own software as opposed to leasing a cloud platform can be a difficult one. While both options have their advantages, in-house software can offer a number of benefits that renting a cloud platform simply isn't possible.

Personalization: When a company develops its own software, it has complete control over the features and functionality of the system. This allows the company to tailor the software to its specific needs and requirements, which can lead to a more efficient and effective solution. In contrast, with a cloud platform, the customization options are limited and may not meet the unique needs of the company.

Data security: With a cloud platform, companies rely on vendor security measures to protect sensitive company and customer data. By developing their own software, companies can apply their own security measures and have complete control over who has access to their data. This can provide a higher level of security and peace of mind.

Cost savings: While cloud platforms may seem less expensive initially, they often require ongoing subscription fees that can increase over time. With a custom software solution, companies can make a one-time investment in development and then own the software, saving money in the long run.

Higher control: When a company leases a cloud platform, it is at the mercy of the provider for upgrades, updates and support. With a custom software solution, companies have complete control over when and how updates are made, ensuring that the software stays current and meets their changing needs.

Competitive advantage: By having a unique and specialized software solution, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain a competitive edge. This can be especially important in industries where innovation and technology are critical to success.

Scalability: With custom software, companies can easily scale to meet their growing needs as the company expands. This can be difficult or impossible with a cloud platform, which may have limited scalability.

Technical support: When renting a cloud platform, companies rely on a technical support provider. This can lead to long wait times for support and a lack of control over resolving technical issues. With custom software, companies have the option of hiring their own technical support team, which speeds up problem resolution time and increases control over the support process.

Intellectual Property: When a company develops its own software, it owns the intellectual property rights to the system. This can provide the company with additional sources of revenue and a competitive advantage because they can license the software to other companies or use it as a differentiating factor in their marketing efforts.

Intellectual Property: When a company develops its own software, it owns the intellectual property rights to the system. This can provide the company with additional sources of revenue and a competitive advantage because they can license the software to other companies or use it as a differentiating factor in their marketing efforts.

Long-term investment: Custom software development is a long-term investment in a company's future. With a cloud platform, companies are constantly making short-term investments in the form of rent, which may not bring long-term benefits.

In conclusion, custom software development can offer a number of advantages for companies looking for a customized, secure, cost-effective and scalable solution for their business. While cloud platforms may seem attractive because of their lower initial costs and ease of use, the long-term benefits of custom software make it a worthwhile investment for companies looking to take their business to the next level.



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Санкт-Петербург, Апраксин пер. д.8 лит А, БЦ “АЛВА”, офис 307